Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bathtub Mosaic Art from SICIS

Not only am I sucker for art glass, I'm a sucker for a beautiful mosaic as well. Combine mosaic with normally boring plumbing fixtures -- well, now we're talking!

It should be no surprise that these mosaic tubs send me into a fit of WANT! Actually, the entire SICIS catalog lures me into Covet mode -- the marriage of art and functionality has never produced such stunning results. SICIS is headquartered in Milan, Italy and calls their company The Art Factory, which seems rather fitting.

There are multiple designs for each fixture, which you view at the SICIS website.

SICIS Shoe Bathtub "Audrey" Art Mosaic

SICIS Bathtub "Alba" Art Mosaic

SICIS Bathtub "Denver" Art Mosaic