Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lotus House - Ken Kellogg, Architect

So, a rare opportunity cropped up for a tour of some of Ken Kellogg's fantastic work. The only one I could get to was the (luckily) the one I wanted to see the most, the Yen House in La Jolla (also called the Poppy House or the Lotus House.)

Pictures from the tour - which supports the Institute for Organic Architecture he is constructing.

Best quote: "Architecture is a love affair with nature."

Lotus House - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Lotus House - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Lotus House - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Lotus House - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Lotus House - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect