Saturday, April 13, 2013

Nymphaeum Omega Fountain - Ernst Fuchs Museaum

Maybe it's just my mood, but there seems to have been a little lull in eye candy and things that make me go "ooohhhhh" in my content streams lately.

Or it might also be that blogging is hard work and my few remaining neurons are focused on other projects ;)

But, hark, there is a bit of pretty to be shared - the Nymphaeum Omega Fountain and Moses Statue at the Ernst Fuchs Museum  After much searching, I regret that I can't find any story about how the Pump House for the estate came to be such a glorious creation. Art is like that sometimes. It just is.

Nymphaeum Omega Fountain & Moses Statue, Ernst Fuchs Museum

Nymphaeum Omega Fountain & Moses Statue, Ernst Fuchs Museum

Nymphaeum Omega Fountain, Ernst Fuchs Museum

Nymphaeum Omega Fountain, Ernst Fuchs Museum

Pump House, Ernst Fuchs Museum