It's been a while since we visited the delightful works of
Javier Senosiain in Mexico! I tried to do some more research on the Flower House (Casa Flor) but it seems that everybody only writes about his Nautilus House. So, off we go down the path less chosen.
While there aren't a lot of pictures for this house, it appeals to my wish for a central courtyard and the rooms of the house off to the sides, like petals of a flower.
The glass work is outstanding and we all know what a sucker I am for big color....
Flower House (Casa Flor) by Javier Senosiain, Architect |
Flower House (Casa Flor) by Javier Senosiain, Architect |
Flower House (Casa Flor) by Javier Senosiain, Architect |
Flower House (Casa Flor) by Javier Senosiain, Architect |
Previous posts on Javier Senosiain.