Sunday, April 28, 2013

Atoll House - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

It's been awhile since we visited the wonders of architect Kendrick Bangs Kellogg, a favorite of mine and pal of James Hubbell.

His name came back up when I recently got an invitation to tour some of his homes and chat with the architect (pictures and goodies coming!) While this beauty, called the Atoll House (La Jolla, CA), isn't on the itinerary, we do have some eye candy.

Stained glass and chandeliers are by James Hubbell.

Atoll House, La Jolla - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Atoll House, La Jolla - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Atoll House, La Jolla - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Atoll House, La Jolla - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Atoll House, La Jolla - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect

Atoll House, La Jolla - Kendrick Kellogg, Architect