Monday, May 7, 2012

Art Photography - Lee Eunyeol, Gana Art Space

Eye candy for a Monday morning. These lovlies are by photographer Lee Eunyeol and being featured currently at the Gana Art Space in Seoul. The collection is titled "Starry Night" appropriately enough.

I love these not just because they have an ethereal fairy-like quality to them, but they bring out elements in the landscape that you wouldn't notice in falling light.

Another project I would do with big piles of money: a night lighting garden. How wonderful would something like that be? Grab a glass of wine and wander through a beautifully lit garden at night. Sigh.

"Starry Night" - Lee Eunyeol, Photographer

"Starry Night" - Lee Eunyeol, Photographer

"Starry Night" - Lee Eunyeol, Photographer

"Starry Night" - Lee Eunyeol, Photographer

"Starry Night" - Lee Eunyeol, Photographer