Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wind Shape - nArchitects

We've danced merrily down the road of Art with PVC pipes before, so it's no surprise that this installation from nArchitects elicited an "oohh, ahhh" response from me.

The project being installed on the castle of the Marquis de Sade in Lacoste, France just makes it all the more intriguing.

Of course, with a name like Wind Shape, you will be unsurprised to find that Wind Shape shifted with the prevailing winds by design. The plastic pipes were woven together with string and by varying the tension on the strings, the whole structure rippled and changed shape in the breeze.

As soon as I figure out how to recreate this in my backyard, I'll post pictures :)

Wind Shape - nArchitects

Wind Shape - nArchitects

Wind Shape - nArchitects

Wind Shape - nArchitects

Wind Shape - nArchitects