Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sea Ranch Chapel - James Hubbell, Designer

I have started this post literally 7 times and never finished it. I keep falling more and more behind and the open tabs of interesting stuff to blog about just pile up...

Last year I finally had the opportunity to drive up the California coast to the little town of Sea Ranch to see a Hubbell structure that I've loved in pictures and wanted to experience in the real.

The chapel was MUCH smaller than I expected, which I probably shouldn't have been surprised since Hubbell clearly prefers snug quarters, that is a consistency throughout all of his buildings. No wasted space. You might (and I do stress might) get 20 people into this building. If they were friendly.

The glass work is, of course, exquisite. This is one of the finest examples of James' work that you'll find outside of his home in Santa Ysabel. It's a long drive from the Bay area but absolutely worth it.

Go. Pack a lunch.

Sea Ranch Chapel, James Hubbell Architect 
Sea Ranch Chapel, James Hubbell Architect 

Sea Ranch Chapel, James Hubbell Architect 

Sea Ranch Chapel, James Hubbell Architect 

Sea Ranch Chapel, James Hubbell Architect 

Sea Ranch Chapel, James Hubbell Architect

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ferrocement - Flying Concrete

Now that I'm getting more back into the blogging groove, I've had this tab open Chrome for FAR TOO LONG meaning to blog about Ferrocement.

This building material has to be the patron saint of organic builders everywhere. There are a few notable artists, we will start with Steve Kornher of

These make me giddy and I have visions of how I would use Ferrocement building my own Gaudiesque palace somewhere quiet and with lots of elbow room.

Ferrocement House - Steve Kornher

Ferrocement House - Steve Kornher

Ferrocement House - Steve Kornher

Ferrocement House - Steve Kornher

Ferrocement House - Steve Kornher

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Rock House - Laguna Beach (Brion Jeannette, Architect)

My, it has been a long time. I have to stop letting work overtake my life and supersede doing creative things for myself.

So, I've been meaning to do this post for a while on one of my favorite California art properties. I'm not necessarily a fan of beaches but I love the fact that the architect worked with the landscape and built into it rather than just bulldozing over it. All of the detailing just makes me sigh.

I also give Brion Jeannette, the Architect, full props for all the energy efficiency measures.

A few images below, but watch the video....

Rock House, Laguna. Brion Jeannette, Architect

Rock House, Laguna. Brion Jeannette, Architect

Rock House, Laguna. Brion Jeannette, Architect

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Organic Architecture Artistry - Las Olas, Bolivia

Catching up on cool buildings!

 At times, I wonder if it's possible that I've found them all, then something groovy will surface and I'll be delighted to know there are more undiscovered gems out there. I hope spreading the images of great, unusual buildings inspires other people to "break out of the box" (literally) and let their flights of fantasy free.

German sculptor Martin Strätker got to do exactly that in Bolivia, he built his dream, called it Las Olas and rents out the cottages to adventurous travelers who want someplace more interesting than another vanilla hotel (aka, boxes with bad furniture.)

Living the dream!

Las Olas, Bolvia  Martin Strätker, Artist

Las Olas, Bolvia  Martin Strätker, Artist

Las Olas, Bolvia  Martin Strätker, Artist

Las Olas, Bolvia  Martin Strätker, Artist

Las Olas, Bolvia  Martin Strätker, Artist

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Shylights by Studio Drift

Long time fan of Studio DRIFT! I love how every piece they create invokes the crossroads of nature and technology. Technology can be very bland and cold, even in the hands of Apple. Making technology as breathtakingly beautiful as nature both skill and the soul of an artist.

Shylights by Studio DRIFT

Shylights by Studio DRIFT 

Shylights by Studio Drift

The making of Shylight (short version) from Studio DRIFT on Vimeo.

Previous Studio DRIFT posts:

Fragile Future 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Casa del Acantilado, Spain

This one stopped me right in my tracks with a "YES, PLEASE". I love a funky roof to begin with, and I am absolutely enchanted with the "face" of this house design. The ocean view doesn't exactly suck, either.

I find the interior very underwhelming and sterile  in contrast to that amazing roof. That baby needs some color and some style to make it look less like a Swedish skin care clinic.

Designer: Gil Bartolome 

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Monday, February 15, 2016

Art Lighting Fixtures by Sharon Marston

Apparently I cannot get enough lighting fixtures these days. The latest ones to catch my eye are these lovelies by Sharon Marston.

The ones I like best are the long, sweeping cascades from the ceiling. My obvious flair for DRAMA is showing ;)

Spiral Light by Sharon Marston

Azure Light by Sharon Marston
Detail on Azure Light by Sharon Marson

Willow Light by Sharon Marson